Gujarati Kobi Marcha No Sambharo Recipe is a Cabbage & Bell Pepper Stir Fry recipe.
Gujarati delicacies is likely one of the only a few cuisines in India identified for its easy but clear flavours. The dishes usually are not overpowered by way of varied spices. Kobi Marcha No Sambharo Recipe is one such dish, which may be ready very quickly to your youngsters lunch field. Sambharo means stir fry in Gujarati. The recipe is easy, wholesome and lightweight on the stomach. Filled with fiber you’ll be able to even pack this as a workplace snack and eat it anytime of the day
Serve the Kobi Marcha No Sambharo rolled within the Methi Ragi Soy Wheat Thepla Recipe or tawa paratha for teenagers lunch packing containers.
Listed here are just a few extra stir fry recipes you can even strive for packing lunch packing containers