Friday, September 23, 2022
HomeAustralian NewsPaperwork reveal Australian Navy band's 'poisonous, insidious' tradition

Paperwork reveal Australian Navy band’s ‘poisonous, insidious’ tradition

A presentation launched by a freedom of data request revealed navy insiders speaking about ’25 years of unhealthy habits and systemic points’.

Inside overview paperwork in regards to the Royal Australian Navy Band Sydney (Picture: Provided)

Members of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN)’s flagship band have been given an ultimatum by management: enhance your attitudes, bear a psychiatric analysis or switch out.

That’s one of many particulars revealed in paperwork launched in response to a freedom of data request into the RAN Sydney band’s “identified morale and cultural points” going again 1 / 4 of a century. 

Its “roughly 50 full-time members” carry out as a marching band, wind band, massive band, jazz ensemble and at the same time as a canopy band doing up to date songs. It provides ceremonial assist, corresponding to bugle calls and taking part in the nationwide anthem, and performs at group occasions.



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