Home Italian News Italy’s Berlusconi joins TikTok to woo younger voters

Italy’s Berlusconi joins TikTok to woo younger voters



Italian politicians embrace TikTok throughout election marketing campaign.

Silvio Berlusconi, the 85-year-old chief of Italy’s centre-right Forza Italia get together and former Italian premier, is to hitch TikTok forward of the nation’s normal election on 25 September.

The billionaire media mogul pledged to make his TikTok debut on Sunday, as a rising variety of Italian politicians try and woo youthful voters on the mini-video social community.

Information of Berlusconi’s arrival on TikTok got here the day after Carlo Calenda, the chief of the small centrist get together Azione, made the transfer to the social media platform.

“I can not dance, I appear like a drunk bear. I can not give make-up recommendation as a result of I’ve a stomach and I am ugly” – Calenda warned – “However I can discuss to you about politics, books, tradition.”

Different Italian political leaders energetic on TikTok embrace Giuseppe Conte, of the populist MoVimento 5 Stelle, and Giorgia Meloni, of the far-right Fratelli d’Italia, who’s tipped to develop into Italy’s subsequent prime minister.

Probably the most adopted political chief in Italy on TikTok nevertheless is Matteo Salvini, of the right-wing Lega get together, who has greater than half one million followers.

Enrico Letta, the chief of the centre-left Partito Democratico who made headlines on Friday over his ironic tweet about guanciale, is just not on TikTok. For now.



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